Be heard, be seen, spread the word online.
Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are some of the major platforms where brands and organizations can reach a highly targeted audience. Producing eye-catching and targeted video content is crucial to staying relevant in the minds of customers today.
Flagship City Food Hall - EDDC
“Flagship City Food Hall” is a project that was founded by the Erie Downtown Development Corporation (EDDC). They tasked us with creating a video that introduced the concept to the city and hyped up its eventual opening.
Beer Series - Lavery Brewing Company
Vertical video is quickly becoming a popular alternative, especially in the world of TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. In this series (...beer-ies - sorry not sorry), Lavery Brewing Company, home of many hoppy and delicious brews, tasked us with creating a monthly social media “hype reel”.
Hollar Below - Smilo & the Ghost
Smilo & the Ghost is a folk band has an authentic, rootsy sound that fluently translates to modern audiences. Creating an expansive indie folk sound, the band is comprised of some of the most talented musicians in the area.